Nursing Teaching on Side Effects of Imodium

Nurse educated the patient and caregiver on the side effects of Imodium as follows:

  1. General allergic reactions: Imodium use can result in general allergic reactions, such as, skin rashes, hives, and itching. Some patients can present with symptoms of severe allergic and anaphylactic response with imodium, such as, difficulty breathing, swelling of face, lips, throat, and tongue, with consequent difficulty breathing. Seek emergency medical help for such findings, especially with difficulty breathing, for any appropriate measures to be considered.
  2. Gastrointestinal side-effects: Imodium use can result in common general constitutional symptoms such as, nausea and vomiting, especially when taken on empty stomach. Taking dose of imodium with a glass of water, after having some food or a snack can help avoid having unpleasant gastrointestinal symptoms with the medication. Imodium use can also induce extreme dry mouth and slowing of bowel movements. Sucking on a sugar free hard candy can help with symptomatic relief of dry mouth. Proper hydration measures and compliance with daily fluid intake recommendations can help with relief from dry mouth and slowed bowel movements. Also, compliance with hydration measures can help with preventing any side-effects of fluid loss due to dehydration. Slowed bowel movements due to imodium can lead to bloating and episodes of constipation, which can result in individuals presenting with abdominal pain and fatigue. Observing compliance with hydration measures and fluid recommendations can help prevent constipation and bloating. If you experience any bothersome gastrointestinal symptoms, report it to your physician for further recommendations.
  3. Cardiovascular side-effects: Imodium carries a small risk of lowering the blood pressure and causing and/or aggravating cardiac arrhythmias, especially in individuals with history of the same. Individuals with diarrhea could have lost significant fluid and suffered serious electrolyte disturbances, which puts them at risk for hypotension and cardiac arrhythmias. Administering imodium to such individuals can easily tip the balance in favor of development of hypotension and precipitation of cardiac arrhythmias. Hypotension can lead to episodes of confusion and dizziness, thus increasing the risk for fall and accidents. Increased risk for cardiac arrhythmias with imodium intake can result in episodes of chest pain, rapid heart rate, palpitations, dizziness, shortness of breath, and in severe cases can result in debility and death.
  4. Central nervous system side-effects: Intake of imodium can induce some dizziness and make one drowsy. Hypotension due to fluid loss in diarrheal patients can add to the risk for dizziness and confusion. Watching for the response and gradually changing the dose of imodium, to help optimum control of your symptoms, can contribute to controlling/reducing the risk for drowsiness and dizziness due to the medication. The dizziness can be self-limiting and resolve in due course of time. If the dizziness becomes bothersome, report it to your physician and other health care personnel, for any change in plan of care to be considered. Stay away from activities, such as, driving and operating heavy machinery, until you are used to the side effects caused by imodium intake.