Patient was educated on oxygen precautions as follows:

  1. Avoid using oil and petroleum-based moisturizers, if you are using oxygen. These materials are highly flammable and can cause severe burns and accidents, when they come in contact with oxygen.
  2. Oxygen use can dry out the nasal passages and necessitate the use of a moisturizer to prevent damage to the nasal mucosa. Always, read through the ingredients, when you are purchasing a moisturizer. Make sure that the moisturizer is water based and not petroleum based.
  3. Do not try repairing any broken or defective equipment by yourself. Always, request for a timely intervention by the service provider.
  4. Periodically check to make sure that the rate of oxygen flow is in compliance with the physician order. Never change the flow rate on your oxygen tank, without the recommendation from your doctor.
  5. Always arrange for a backup oxygen cylinder for times of equipment failure.
  6. Have an evacuation plan in place for you and your family in the event of a fire. Discuss with your family members regarding the same, so that, everyone in the family is aware of the evacuation plan, in times of emergency.