Patient/caregiver was educated on aortic stenosis and its pathophysiology as follows:

  1. A normal functioning aortic valve opens, when the left ventricle contracts, allowing oxygenated blood from the left ventricle to be pumped into the aorta, to be distributed to all the organs in the body through the general circulation.
  2. Aortic stenosis is an abnormal condition of narrowing of the aortic valve opening, secondary to inability of the valve to open completely.
  3. Incomplete opening of the aortic valve with narrowing results in restriction of the blood flow from the left ventricle into the aorta, when the left ventricle contracts.
  4. Obstruction to free flow of blood during left ventricle contraction reduces the volume of oxygenated blood pumped out of the left ventricle into the aorta and to vital organs.
  5. Reduced output of oxygenated blood from the left ventricle will result in compromised blood and oxygen supply to the vital organs and consequently, affecting their function. Also, reduced output of blood from left ventricle results in backing up of blood on the left side of heart.
  6. Backing up of blood on the left side of heart can result in increased blood volume and pressure on the left side of heart. Over a period of time, this increased volume and pressure on left side of heart can result in enlargement of the left side of heart, progressive weakening of the heart muscle, and left heart failure.