469-810-6022 | pearsolutionsllc@gmail.com

Life-style Measures to be Observed with Aortic Stenosis-3

Patient/caregiver was instructed regarding life-style measures to be observed with aortic stenosis as follows: Be aware of signs and symptoms of clot and emboli formation, such as, acute dry cough, sudden chest pain with exacerbation of shortness of breath, acute calf pain with swelling of the lower limb, and dizziness. Observe compliance with recommendations for smoking cessation, if applicable. Observe compliance with intake of blood thinner and anticoagulant medications, if any ordered. Observe compliance with [...]

Life-style Measures to be Observed with Aortic Stenosis-2

Patient/caregiver was instructed regarding life-style measures to be observed with aortic stenosis as follows: Fluid back-up into the lungs in individuals with valvular heart disease can lead to fluid retention in the chest, difficulty in gas exchange in the lungs, poor oxygen pick-up, and exacerbation of shortness of breath. Observe compliance with log maintenance of everyday oxygen saturation readings. Report to your physician regarding any oxygen saturations consistently below 90. Oxygen dependent individuals must observe [...]

Life-style Measures to be Observed with Aortic Stenosis-1

Patient/caregiver was instructed regarding life-style measures to be observed with aortic stenosis as follows: Reduced output of blood from the heart, in individuals with valvular heart disease, can result in low blood pressure and hypotensive symptoms of dizziness and lightheadedness. Observe compliance with log maintenance of everyday blood pressure readings. Report to your physician regarding any consistent systolic readings below 90 and diastolic readings below 60. Persistent back-up of fluid in the heart chambers can [...]

Complications of Aortic Stenosis-3

Patient/caregiver was instructed regarding complications of aortic stenosis as follows: Exacerbation of SOB: Reduced output of oxygenated blood from the heart will result in reduced blood and oxygen supply to all the vital organs, contributing to increased dyspnea and SOB. Also, fluid back-up into the lungs can lead to fluid retention in the chest, difficulty in gas exchange in the lungs, poor oxygen pick-up, and exacerbation of shortness of breath. Compromised end organ function: Progressively [...]

Complications of Aortic Stenosis-2

Patient/caregiver was instructed regarding complications of aortic stenosis as follows: Heart failure: Increased back-up of blood with valve disorder can result in increased blood volume and pressure in heart, enlargement of the heart, progressive weakening of heart muscle, and heart failure. Patients can present with symptoms of heart failure, such as, fluid retention in the chest leading to difficulty in gas exchange in the lungs, swelling of the extremities with pitting edema, and grossly limited [...]

Nurse Teaching on Complications of Aortic Stenosis-1

Patient/caregiver was instructed regarding complications of aortic stenosis as follows: Hypotension: Reduced output of blood from the heart will result in low blood pressure and hypotensive symptoms of dizziness and lightheadedness. Also, reduced blood supply to brain, secondary to hypotension and reduced output from heart, can contribute to altered level of consciousness. Eventually, this increase risk for falls and accidents. Chest pain and discomfort: Pumping of blood through defective valves in the heart demands extra [...]

Measures to Prevent Worsening of Symptoms of Aortic Stenosis-2

Patient/caregiver was instructed regarding measures to prevent worsening of aortic stenosis as follows: Observe compliance with intake of anti-arrhythmic medications. Keep a close watch and report to your physician regarding any worsening signs and symptoms of arrhythmia, such as, fluttering in the chest, racing or abnormally slow heartbeat, poorly felt pulse, dizziness, any episodes of loss of consciousness, chest pain and/or discomfort, and altered levels of consciousness. Be aware of risk factors for clot formation, [...]

Measures to Prevent Worsening of Symptoms of Aortic Stenosis-1

Patient/caregiver was instructed regarding measures to prevent worsening of aortic stenosis as follows: Observe compliance with log maintenance of everyday blood pressure and heart rate readings. Report to your physician regarding any consistent systolic readings below 90 and above 160. Report consistent diastolic readings below 60 and above 90. Report any consistent heart rate readings below 55 and above 100. Observe compliance with all cardiac medications, as prescribed. Observe compliance with recommendations for heart healthy [...]

Findings to Watch for and Report with Aortic Stenosis-3

Patient/caregiver was instructed regarding findings to watch for and report with aortic stenosis as follows: Compromised renal function: Progressively reduced blood supply to the kidneys can result in deterioration of renal function, diminished urine output, increased fluid and waste retention, and renal failure. Diminished urine output with increased fluid retention can result in acute weight gain and increased load on already failing heart, which can further complicate the outcome. Try peeing into an urinal and [...]

Findings to Watch for and Report with Aortic Stenosis-2

Patient/caregiver was instructed regarding findings to watch for and report with aortic stenosis as follows: Worsening pedal edema: Persistent back-up of fluid in the heart chambers can lead to progressive deterioration of heart function, enlargement of the heart, weakening of heart muscle, and heart failure. Individuals can present with swelling of the lower legs, with pitting upon applying slight pressure. The severity of pitting increases with severity of heart failure. Keep a close watch on [...]

Findings to Watch for and Report with Aortic Stenosis-1

Patient/caregiver was instructed regarding findings to watch for and report with aortic stenosis as follows: Hypotension: Reduced output of blood from the heart can result in low blood pressure and hypotensive symptoms of dizziness and lightheadedness. Observe compliance with log maintenance of everyday blood pressure readings. Report to your physician regarding any consistent systolic readings below 90 and diastolic readings below 60. Acute weight gain: Observe compliance with log maintenance of everyday weight recording. Fluid [...]

Signs and Symptoms of Aortic Stenosis-3

Patient/caregiver was educated that signs and symptoms of aortic stenosis can vary from mild to severe depending on the degree of stenosis, severity of obstruction to the blood flow, and the extent of vital organ compromise. Patient/caregiver was educated regarding signs and symptoms as follows: Palpitations and arrhythmia Damaged heart muscle, secondary to poor blood and oxygen supply to the heart muscle, can lead to palpitations and arrhythmias. Tachycardia As the blood pressure falls heart [...]

Signs and Symptoms of Aortic Stenosis-2

Patient/caregiver was educated that signs and symptoms of aortic stenosis can vary from mild to severe depending on the degree of stenosis, severity of obstruction to the blood flow, and the extent of vital organ compromise. Patient/caregiver was educated regarding signs and symptoms as follows: Chest pain or discomfort Angina or chest pain can result from reduced blood and oxygen supply to the cardiac muscle. In severe cases, individuals can even present with an episode [...]

Signs and Symptoms of Aortic Stenosis-1

Patient/caregiver was educated that signs and symptoms of aortic stenosis can vary from mild to severe depending on the degree of stenosis, severity of obstruction to the blood flow, and the extent of vital organ compromise. Patient/caregiver was educated regarding signs and symptoms as follows: Increased workload of the heart Pumping blood through the stenotic or incompletely open valve needs extra effort by the heart muscle. Extra effort by the heart must be compensated enough [...]

Pathophysiology of Aortic Stenosis

Patient/caregiver was educated on aortic stenosis and its pathophysiology as follows: A normal functioning aortic valve opens, when the left ventricle contracts, allowing oxygenated blood from the left ventricle to be pumped into the aorta, to be distributed to all the organs in the body through the general circulation. Aortic stenosis is an abnormal condition of narrowing of the aortic valve opening, secondary to inability of the valve to open completely. Incomplete opening of the [...]

Normal Functioning Aortic Valve

Patient was educated regarding normal functioning of aortic valve as follows: Aortic valve is the valve on the left side of heart, between left ventricle and the aorta. Aortic valve opens when the left ventricle contracts, allowing oxygenated blood from the left ventricle to be pumped into the aorta. This oxygenated blood in the aorta gets distributed to all the organs in the body through the general circulation. Aortic valve closes when the left ventricle [...]