OASIS-E Training for Home Health

We launched a second website offering OASIS training for Home Health Clinicians @ (https://www.homehealthoasiseducation.com) where we offer comprehensive online training videos on OASIS-E.

The training videos cover all the sections and items on OASIS-E. They also present technique to elicit patient health information from patient and/or caregivers, tips on how to build an assessment narrative (for Start of Care, Resumption of Care, Recertification, Discharge assessments) and weekly visit notes, how to schedule visits, what information to report to physician’s office, patient education requirements in home health, how to choose answers on mandatory questions on OASIS-E as well as topics related to vaccinations, advance directives and diagnostic studies commonly done with senior citizens.

The subscription includes access to everyone in the agency and also includes one day FREE trial.


This blog explains how to answer the question D0150 on Mood & Behavior section of OASIS-E.

PHQ Scale

  • Patients with positive history for anxiety and mood disorders are evaluated using a Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ) scale and graded on symptom presentation and frequency in the last 14 days, as discussed below on the question D0150.
  • If the patient presents with any of these behaviors, check with the patient and caregivers if these behaviors are acute or chronic, consistent and continuous throughout or intermittent and fluctuate in intensity.
  • Check with the patient and caregivers for a reported frequency of the behavior presentation along with any acute deterioration in intensity and increase in frequency in recent times.
  • Also, check if these behavioral changes followed any changes with medications or their doses made in recent times.
  • Add any pertinent detail regarding patient’s disorder and management on the narrative section.


This question D0150 on Mood & Behavior section of OASIS-E evaluates an individual on whether or not one experienced any symptoms of mood disturbances in the last 14 days. Any symptoms of mood disturbance experienced in the last 14 days, irrespective to the factors or stimuli contributing to the behavior, is addressed on this question. This question is answered based on the patient interview during the assessment. The findings reported only by the patient are considered to pick the apt responses on this question. Caregiver reporting and review of patient’s medical record are not considered while picking responses on this question. Day of assessment is considered Day zero. Starting from Day zero, clinician will count back 14 days and check for any symptoms of mood disturbances experienced during this timeframe. The various symptoms of mood disturbances evaluated for are listed on the question from A to I and each symptom evaluated for is scored on 2 columns – symptom presence and frequency of presentation.


Answers for D0150 on OASIS-E

For each symptom, on column 1 for symptom presence –

  • Clinician can pick zero, if patient reports not experiencing that symptom in the last 14 days.
  • Clinician can pick one, if patient reports experiencing that symptom in the last 14 days.
  • Clinician can answer this question by picking – “No Response”, if the patient could not respond on this question during the time of assessment, due to factors like dementia, confusion, and poor recall.
  • If patient could not be evaluated on any of these symptoms due to poor patient cooperation or denial to participate, clinician can pick – Not assessed as the appropriate response for the corresponding symptom.

For each symptom, on column 2 for symptom frequency in the last 14 days–

  • Clinician will have to pick a response on column 2, only if it was answered yes for symptom presence on column 1.
  • Responses on column 2 are listed from 0 to 3, with progressive increase in the frequency of symptom presentation going down the responses.
  • Clinician can pick zero for barely one day presentation of the symptom in the last 14 days, as reported by the patient.
  • Clinician can pick 1 for more than 1 and less than 7 days symptom presentation.
  • Clinician can pick 2 for symptom presentation on 7 to 11 days, which is at least half and more days.
  • Clinician can pick 3 for symptom presentation on 12 to 14 days, which is almost an everyday presentation.