Nursing Teaching on Side Effects of Apixaban Use

Nursing Teaching on Side Effects of Apixaban Use  Nurse educated the patient and caregiver on the side effects of using Apixaban as follows: Nausea and vomiting: These are some of the most common side effects of Apixaban. Taking Apixaban with some food can minimize the effects of nausea and vomiting. Anaphylaxis: A rare, but serious anaphylactic response can occur for Apixaban. Patients can present with extreme itching and rash, swelling of the face and throat, [...]

Nursing Teaching on Contraindications for Using Aleve

Nursing Teaching on Contraindications for Using Aleve Nurse educated the patient and caregiver on contraindications for using Aleve as follows: Patients with history of dyspepsia and heartburn must be cautious about using Aleve. Discuss with your doctor regarding your history of the same. Aleve must be used cautiously in individuals with history of gastric ulcers, as intake of this medication can lead to increased exposure of the stomach lining to the action of gastric acid, [...]

Nursing Teaching on Mechanism of Action of Aldactone

Nursing Teaching on Mechanism of Action of Aldactone Nurse educated the patient and caregiver on Aldactone and its mechanism of action as follows: Aldactone is a potassium sparing diuretic that acts on the distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct, both parts of the renal tubule, involved in the reabsorption of water and solutes from the urine. Action of aldosterone on the collecting duct results in absorption of sodium and water from the collecting duct of [...]

Nursing Teaching on Side Effects of Advil Use

Nursing Teaching on Side Effects of Advil Use Nurse educated the patient and caregiver on the side effects of using Advil as follows: Nausea and vomiting: This is the most common side effect of Advil. Taking the pain pill with some food and water can minimize the effects of nausea and vomiting. Dyspepsia and heartburn: Advil can cause irritation of the stomach with upper abdominal discomfort and heartburn. Gastric ulcers: Reduced synthesis of protective prostaglandins [...]

Nursing Teaching on Contraindications for Adalat Use

Nursing Teaching on Contraindications for Adalat Use Nurse educated the patient and caregiver on on contraindications for using Adalat as follows: Avoid using Adalat along with any other medications that can cause slowdown of heart rate, such as, Beta-blockers. Using them together can result in extreme slowdown of heart rate and can present an emergency. Avoid or use extreme caution using Adalat along with any other medications that cause vasodilation, such as, Isosorbide and Hydralazine. [...]