Nursing Teaching on How to Self-administer Heparin Shot

Nursing Teaching on How to Self-administer Heparin Shot  Nurse educated the patient and caregiver on how to self-administer heparin shot as follows: Perform hand hygiene by washing hands with soap and water before administering the shot, dry the hands, and don the gloves. Heparin for self-administration comes in pre-filled syringes. Gather your pre-filled syringe and an alcohol wipe. Heparin shots are administered via a fine needle, by deep subcutaneous injection into the fat layer under [...]

Nursing Teaching on Indications for Glucophage Use

Nursing Teaching on Indications for Glucophage Use Nurse educated the patient and caregiver on indications for Glucophage use as follows: Type 2 diabetes: Insulin is a hormone that helps with shifting the glucose in the blood into the cells of body tissues. This helps with regulating the blood sugar levels and providing nutrition to the cells of body tissues. Type-2 diabetes is a condition in which your body becomes resistant to the action insulin. Resistance to [...]

Nursing Teaching on Side Effects of Glyburide Use

Nursing Teaching on Side Effects of Glyburide Use Nurse educated the patient and caregiver on the side effects of using Glyburide as follows: Hypoglycemia: Normally, in a healthy individual, insulin secretion from the pancreas is proportional to the glucose levels in the blood. In diabetics, this fine balance is no more in place. Use of Glyburide leads to increased secretion of insulin, irrespective to the blood sugar levels, thus putting the individual at risk for [...]

Nursing Teaching on Side Effects of Epinephrine

Nursing Teaching on Side Effects of Epinephrine Nurse educated the patient and caregiver on the side-effects of using Epinephrine as follows: The side-effects of epinephrine vary widely, based on the dose and route of administration. General allergic reactions and constitutional side-effects: Epinephrine use can result in general allergic reactions, such as, skin rashes, hives, and itching. Some patients can present with symptoms of severe allergic and anaphylactic response with epinephrine, such as, difficulty breathing, swelling of [...]

Nursing Teaching on How to Take Erythromycin Pill

Nursing Teaching on How to Take Erythromycin Pill  Nurse educated the patient and caregiver on how to take Erythromycin pill as follows: Take Erythromycin pill with or without food along with a full 8 oz. glass of water. Taking the medication with food and water helps prevent any nauseating sensation. Evenly space out the doses of the antibiotic and take the dose at the scheduled time every day. Keeping to the schedule helps with maintaining [...]