Patient/caregiver was educated on precautions to be exercised while taking Pregabalin as follows:
- Pregabalin can take some time to fairly adjust to your body and build appropriate therapeutic levels in the blood, before any relief with nerve pain, discomfort, and seizure control is experienced. So, do not discontinue taking the medication without your physician’s consult, as you failed to see the desired result immediately after taking the medication.
- Pregabalin carries the risk of aggravating some underlying cardiac arrhythmias leading to severe debility and death. Discuss with your physician regarding your history of cardiac arrhythmia, if you are newly started on Pregabalin. If you are newly diagnosed with any cardiac arrhythmias, discuss with your physician regarding your safety with regards to continuing on Pregabalin, if you have been using the medication for long. Report to your physician regarding any new development or exacerbation of signs and symptoms of arrhythmias, such as, episodes of chest pain, rapid heart rate, palpitations, dizziness, and acute shortness of breath, to facilitate any change in your plan of care.
- Pregabalin use can result in reduced platelet synthesis and thrombocytopenia. Low platelet count contributes to poor clotting in these individuals and can lead to episodes of easy bleeding into the skin with erythematous patches and bruises. Patients can also present with episodes of bleeding from gums and nose, along with findings of frank blood in the urine and stool. Watch closely for development of severe erythematous or bleeding patches on the skin or frank bleeding episodes and report them to your physician or other health care personnel and seek their recommendation.
- Take the medication dose at the same time, every day, to avoid forgetting the intake of medication.