Patient/caregiver was educated on precautions to be exercised while taking Reglan as follows:

  1. Reglan intake can result in abnormal involuntary muscle movementscalled tardive dyskinesia, when individuals present with movements such as, lip smacking, chewing, grimacing, frowning, and sticking out of tongue. Individuals can also present with spasms of the laryngeal muscles, resulting in stridor and difficulty breathing. Reglan intake can also result in akathisia, characterized by a sense of restlessness, inability to stay still, foot tapping, and pacing. Discuss with your physician and other health care personnel regarding your history of tardive dyskinesia, if any, and your safety with reglan. Notify your physician regarding development of symptoms of tardive dyskinesia, so that, your dosage on the medication could be revised or alternative plan considered.
  2. Reglan intake can induce symptoms of parkinson’s disease and aggravate symptoms of the disease in individuals with history of the same. Individuals can present with tremors, muscle spasms, rigidity, and difficulty initiating movements. Discuss with your physician regarding history of parkinson’s disease, if any, and your safety with reglan use. Notify your physician about developing any worsening symptoms of parkinson’s disease, so that, your dosage on the medication could be revised or alternative plan considered.