Patient/caregiver was educated on precautions to be exercised while taking Reglan as follows:

  1. Reglan carries the risk of causing and aggravating some underlying cardiac arrhythmias, leading to severe debility and death. Notify your physician regarding history of arrhythmias, if any, to discuss your safety with reglan intake. During intake of reglan, report to your physician regarding any worsening signs and symptoms of arrhythmias, such as, frequent episodes of fatigue, lightheadedness, near fainting, shortness of breath, chest pain or discomfort, and/or pounding heartbeat, so that, your dosage on the medication could be revised or alternative plan considered.
  2. Reglan also can induce a life-threatening reaction called Neuroleptic malignant syndrome. Individuals taking reglan can present with high fever, episodes of confusion, muscle rigidity, elevated blood pressure and rapid heart rate. Severe cases can present with muscle breakdown, elevated potassium levels in the blood due to muscle destruction, life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias due to the elevated blood potassium, and seizures. Notify your physician regarding development of any of the above mentioned symptoms, so that, your dosage on the medication could be revised or alternative plan considered.
  3. Reglan has potential to cause seizure episodes and aggravate risk for seizures in individuals with history of the same. Discuss with your physician regarding history of seizures, if any, and your safety with reglan use. Notify your physician regarding development of new seizure episodes, so that, your dosage on the medication could be revised or alternative plan considered.