Patient/caregiver was educated on the side-effects of using Keppra as follows:

Hematologic side-effects                                                                                                  

  1. Keppra carries significant risk of suppressing production of white blood cells from the bone marrow and lead to agranulocytosis. Reduced white blood cell count can contribute to lowered immunity, thus resulting in frequent fever, chills, sore throat, and risk for frequent infections.

Other constitutional side-effects

  1. Individuals taking keppra can occasionally present with skin pigmentation and rash that can resolve after discontinuing on the medication. Report any skin pigmentation and rash secondary to keppra intake, immediately to your physician for further recommendation.

Musculoskeletal side-effects

  1. Keppra carries the risk of inducing/aggravating tremors, muscle weakness, unsteadiness, motor incoordination, and compromised balance, thus increasing the fall risk. Confusion and dizziness with keppra use, can add to the fall risk, thus enhancing it further. Slow change of position, seeking caregiver assistance during ambulation and ADL performance, and observing compliance with DME prescribed can help to reduce fall risk and prevent any accidents from happening.