Patient/caregiver was instructed regarding measures to prevent worsening of aortic stenosis as follows:

  1. Observe compliance with intake of anti-arrhythmic medications. Keep a close watch and report to your physician regarding any worsening signs and symptoms of arrhythmia, such as, fluttering in the chest, racing or abnormally slow heartbeat, poorly felt pulse, dizziness, any episodes of loss of consciousness, chest pain and/or discomfort, and altered levels of consciousness.
  2. Be aware of risk factors for clot formation, such as, reduced activity, poor fluid intake, and smoking. Observe compliance with fluid intake and smoking cessation recommendations made, if applicable. Keep a close watch for and report to your physician regarding signs and symptoms of clot and emboli formation, such as, acute dry cough, sudden chest pain with exacerbation of shortness of breath, acute calf pain with swelling of the lower limb, and dizziness. Observe compliance with intake of blood thinner and anticoagulant medications, if any ordered. Observe compliance with periodical lab draws, as ordered, for any changes to be made in the dose of anticoagulant medications.
  3. Observe compliance with log maintenance of everyday weight recording. Keep a close watch on the severity of pedal edema and other signs of fluid retention, such as, abdominal bloating, facial puffiness, and acute weight gain. Observe compliance with intake of diuretic medications prescribed, if any. Any acute increase of weight, more than 2 pounds in 2 consecutive days or more than 5 pounds in one-week duration, indicates significant fluid retention and deteriorating cardiac function, and must be reported to the physician.