Patient/caregiver was educated on the precautions to be observed while taking finasteride as follows:

  1. Finasteride is mainly metabolized in the liver and excreted in urine by the kidneys, as inactive metabolites. If liver function is deficient, metabolism of finasteride could be slowed down. Slowing down of the drug metabolism can result in increased risk for compromised therapeutic benefits with the medication. Finasteride should be administered cautiously in individuals with history of compromised liver function. Observe compliance with any regular labs ordered for evaluation of liver and kidney functions.
  2. Finasteride use can result in general allergic reactions, such as, skin rashes, hives, and itching. Some patients can present with symptoms of angioneurotic edema, such as, difficulty breathing, swelling of face, lips, throat, and tongue, with consequent difficulty breathing. Seek emergency medical help for such findings, especially with difficulty breathing, for any appropriate measures to be considered.
  3. Finasteride intake can cause or exacerbate reduced sexual interest, erectile dysfunction, and trouble having orgasm. This side-effect of sexual dysfunction, secondary to finasteride intake, could be long lasting, even after discontinuation of the medication and must be immediately reported to the physician for a possible change in the plan of care.
  4. A lot of other nonprescription products and prescription medications can also influence the activity of finasteride in the body. So, be sure to mention your physician and pharmacist regarding your history with finasteride and check with them regarding safety, in the event you are being started on any new medications.