Patient was educated on precautions to be exercised while taking Percocet as follows:

  1. Watch closely for any acetaminophen in all the OTC products you purchase, such as, medications for common cold and allergies, by reading the contents carefully. Many of these products contain Acetaminophen and by taking Percocet along with these products, you could be overdosing on Acetaminophen, which could cause damage to the liver.
  2. Avoid using Percocet along with other medications that have a potential to cause respiratory depression, such as, muscle relaxants, sedatives, and antianxiety medications. Though they cause mild respiratory depression individually, they can have an additive effect when combined with Percocet and thus, precipitate severe respiratory depression.
  3. Do not change the dose on Percocet without consulting your doctor.
  4. Do not share your Percocet with any family and friends. Keep a regular track of the number of pills left in your pillbox, to prevent a chance for abuse, as this is one of the most commonly abused drug.
  5. Do not take Percocet with alcohol. Both alcohol and Percocet depress the respirations. When taken together, their effects on respirations can get added up and lead to severe respiratory depression and can even be fatal. Also, this can increase your risk of liver damage, as Percocet contains Acetaminophen and Acetaminophen with alcohol is a dangerous combination for the liver.