Patient/caregiver was educated on precautions to be exercised while taking Carbidopa-Levodopa as follows:

  1. Carbidopa-Levodopa can interact with a lot of other medications, leading to serious drug interactions and side-effects. Iron supplements and any iron containing products can reduce the amount of Carbidopa-Levodopa absorbed by the body. If you are taking iron supplements during the time of Carbidopa-Levodopa intake, you must separate your dose of Carbidopa-Levodopa and iron supplements by atleast 4 hours, to prevent any compromise with absorption and therapeutic effects of Carbidopa-Levodopa. If you are being newly started on Carbidopa-Levodopa, discuss with your physician regarding all your current medications and their safety with Carbidopa-Levodopa. Also, notify your physician regarding any current Carbidopa-Levodopa intake, if you are being started on any new medications and discuss their safety with Carbidopa-Levodopa.
  2. Patients with history of mood disorders, secondary to Carbidopa-Levodopa intake, can experience deterioration and worsening of symptoms of mood disorders. Individuals can present with worsening complaints such as, feeling low and depressed, anxiety, panic attacks, trouble sleeping, gross appetite changes, impulsiveness, agitation, aggression, and suicidal thoughts. Notify your physician regarding any such worsening mood changes, so that, your dosage on the medication could be revised.
  3. Take the medication dose at the same time, every day, to avoid forgetting the intake of medication.