Patient was educated on Organic Nitrates and its mechanism of action as follows:

  1. Constricted or collapsed veins offer less capacitance, which increases the blood return to the heart.
  2. This can be detrimental in individuals with heart failure, as the heart is already in failure and cannot accommodate any extra load. This can worsen the condition of the heart.
  3. This situation can be helped with Organic Nitrates, as dilation of veins results in increased capacitance, where by, the veins can accommodate more blood volume.
  4. This reduces the blood return to the heart. The reduced volume of blood return to the heart can be pumped by the heart with reduced effort.
  5. Reduced effort will lead to reduced workload and reduced oxygen demand by the heart muscle.
  6. This can help an individual with angina or cardiac failure, yet maintaining an optimal pumping activity of the heart.
  7. Mild arterial dilation secondary to use of Organic Nitrates such as, Nitroglycerin and Isosorbide Mono and Dinitrates, make them effective agents in emergency situations relieving angina and chest pain.