Patient/caregiver was educated on precautions to be exercised while taking Montelukast as follows:

  1. Montelukast use carries risk of worsening of mood and clinical symptoms of mood disorders. Individuals can present with complaints such as, feeling low and depressed, anxiety, panic attacks, trouble sleeping, gross appetite changes, impulsiveness, agitation, aggression, and suicidal thoughts. Montelukast must be taken with caution in individuals with history of anxiety and mood disorders, as Montelukast use can contribute to worsening symptoms of mood disorder. Report to your physician or other health care personnel immediately, regarding any gross deterioration of mood and behavior, for any appropriate change in plan of care to be made.
  2. Montelukast carries slight risk of lowering the platelet count and result in episodes of easy and unexplained bruising and nasal bleeding. Individuals, secondary to Montelukast intake, can present with easy bruising and small purple patches on the skin due to reduced clotting ability of blood and episodes of poorly controlled bleeding into the skin. Individuals with history of thrombocytopenia and individuals taking blood thinners or anticoagulants concomitantly can be at increased risk for presentation with episodes of unexplained bruising and bleeding with Montelukast. Report any such findings to your physician and other health care personnel and seek their recommendation.