Patient/caregiver was educated on precautions to be exercised while taking Adrenaline  as follows:

  1. Before every use, make sure the solution in the medication bottle appears clear, without any discoloration or particulate matter. If you notice any cloudiness in the medication bottle or particulate matter or coloration, discard the medication appropriately and call your physician to have the medication reordered.
  2. While administering Adrenaline intramuscularly, avoid administering Adrenaline into distal body parts, such as, fingers and toes. Adrenaline administration into fingers and toes can result in closing the blood vessels down locally, around the site of injection, thus shutting off the blood supply to the distal body parts. Over the course of time, this can result in tissue death, necrosis, and ulcers that are difficult to heal, in the distal body parts. These non-healing ulcers in the distal body parts can be an even bigger problem in individuals with history of diabetes and chronic smoking. Report to your physician regarding any accidental administration of Adrenaline into the distal body parts and seek emergency intervention, to avoid any serious outcomes, such as, tissue necrosis and consequent amputation of digits and toes.
  3. Adrenaline should always be administered into a bigger muscle, with reasonably good blood supply, such as, into the bulkier portion of middle of the thigh.