Patient/caregiver was educated on the side-effects of using Adrenaline as follows:
The side-effects of Adrenaline vary widely, based on the dose and route of administration.
Renal system side-effects
- Adrenaline use can result in narrowing of blood vessels in the renal system, contributing to reduced blood flow to the kidneys, decreased filtration by glomerulus, reduced urine formation and decreased urinary output.
- Low urine output due to Adrenaline can result in increased fluid retention, which can lead to edema, swelling, and rapid weight gain.
- Individuals with history of compromised renal function can be at increased risk for deteriorating renal function with Adrenaline use.
Tissue damage and necrosis
- Repeated Adrenaline administration into the same site can result in closing the blood vessels down locally, around the site of injection, thus shutting off the blood supply in that area. Decreased blood supply can reduce the absorption of Adrenaline from the site of injection, thus compromising the therapeutic advantage.
- As Adrenaline administration can compromise blood supply in the surrounding tissues, the site of administration can present with numbness, altered sensation, coldness, and pallor. Secondary to poor oxygenated blood supply, the site of Adrenaline administration and surrounding tissues can sometimes present with signs and symptoms of infection, such as, redness, pain and tenderness, and swelling. Reduced local blood supply can also result in local tissue death, necrosis, and development of ulcers in the site of repeated Adrenaline administration.