Nurse Teachings on Distraction Technique for Pain Management

Nurse Teachings on Distraction Technique for Pain Management Nurse educated the patient and caregiver regarding practicing distraction technique for pain management as follows: Distraction is an alternative pain management technique of shifting the attention away. Distraction can help with masking and reducing the experience of pain, by consciously training the mind to focus on an activity, but does not completely terminate the pain. Practice distraction technique by listening to some soothing music or a song [...]

Nurse Teachings on Hypoglycemia in Diabetic Individuals

Nurse Teachings on Common Causes of Hypoglycemia in Diabetic Individuals Nurse educated the patient and caregiver regarding common causes of hypoglycemia in diabetic individuals as follows: Irregular eating habits: Appropriate eating habits at regular intervals is very important to maintain the blood sugar levels in a healthy range. Individuals practicing intermittent fasting or those with irregular eating habits can often miss a meal and consequently, stand the risk for presentation with low blood sugars. Advanced [...]

Nurse Teachings on Coping Measures for Depression

Nurse Teachings on Self-help and Coping Measures for Individuals with Depression nurse educated the patient and caregiver upon self-help and coping measures for depressed individuals as follows: Do not shy away from seeking expert opinion on your condition. Always involve your physician/psychiatrist, family, well-wishers in your depression management and seek their advice, as needed. Notify your doctor appropriately on your response to treatments, any side-effects experienced with medications prescribed, any uncontrolled or worsening symptoms of [...]

Nurse Teachings on Exercises to Help Prepare for Shoulder Replacement Surgery

Nurse Teachings on Exercises to Help Prepare for Shoulder Replacement Surgery Nurse/physical therapist educated the patient/caregiver regarding exercises to help prepare shoulder joint replacement surgery as follows: Pain in the joint can be a deterrent for participation in the exercise schedule. Taking a pain medication 30 minutes before the exercise schedule can help with better pain control and improved compliance with therapy. Placing an ice pack on the shoulder joint for 30 minutes before and [...]

Nurse Teachings on Risk Factors for Development of Varicose Veins

Nurse Teachings on Risk Factors for Development of Varicose Veins Nurse educated the patient and caregiver on the risk factors for development of varicose veins as below: Age: With advancing age, the valves in the veins helping with unidirectional blood flow in the lower limbs, towards the heart, lose their ability to regulate the blood flow. Also, the veins lose their elasticity with age, allowing them to stretch beyond limits and accommodate increasing volume of venous [...]