Nurse Teachings on Timed Voiding for Bladder Retraining

Nurse Teachings on Timed Voiding for Bladder Retraining Nurse educated the patient and caregiver on how to practice timed voiding as follows: Timed voiding pattern is a behavior therapy of bladder retraining. By frequently emptying the bladder and thereby, reducing the back-up of urine in the bladder, timed voiding helps prevent development of urinary tract infections. This nurse teaching covers some important steps on how to educate or practice timed voiding. The goal of timed voiding [...]

Nurse Teachings on Signs and Symptoms of of Inflammation

Nurse Teachings on Signs and Symptoms of Inflammation Nurse educated patient and caregiver on signs and symptoms of inflammation as follows: Pain: Pain at the site of injury is secondary to chemical mediators of pain, such as, histamine, bradykinin, and prostaglandins. Heat: Heat is secondary to increased blood flow to the site of injury, providing more oxygen and cells needed for protection and healing of the site. Redness: Redness is secondary to increased blood flow [...]

Nurse Teachings on Observing Hand Hygiene Protocol during Wound Care

Nurse Teachings on Observing Hand Hygiene Protocol during Wound Care Nurse educated the patient and caregiver upon when to observe hand hygiene protocol during wound care as follows: Perform hand hygiene before donning the gloves and starting to gather wound care supplies in the patient environment. The supplies are considered a clean environment and accessing the supplies without proper hand hygiene can potentially contaminate them. Read through the wound care orders carefully and gather all [...]

Nurse Teachings on Measures to Prevent Exacerbation of Hypertension

Nurse Teachings on Measures to Prevent Exacerbation of Hypertension Nurse educated the patient and caregiver on measures to prevent exacerbation of hypertension as below: Observe compliance with log maintenance of everyday blood pressure and heart rate readings. Report to your physician regarding any consistent systolic readings below 90 and above 160. Report consistent diastolic readings below 60 and above 90. Report any consistent heart rate readings below 55 and above 100. Observe compliance with all [...]

Nurse Teachings on Risk Factors for Developing ARDS

Nurse Teachings on Risk Factors for Development of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) Nurse educated the patient and caregiver on the risk factors for development of ARDS as follows: ARDS usually occurs in patients, who are severely ill, hospitalized, and have many factors of comorbidity. Injury to the lungs and alveoli can occur secondary to conditions such as, Severe sepsis Excessive inhalation of exhaust fumes Unresolving pneumonia Near drowning with fluid accumulation in the lungs Major [...]