Nurse Teachings on Measures to Make the Home Wheelchair Accessible

Nurse Teachings on Measures to Make the Home Wheelchair Accessible Nurse educated the patient and caregiver on measures to make the home wheelchair accessible as follows: Parking spots: Parking in the designated parking lots for the disabled can significantly reduce the distance disabled individuals have to roll or drive their wheelchairs. All apartment complexes and office spaces should provide nearest parking at the entry for the disabled. Lowered curbs: Lowering the curb height in front [...]

Nurse Teachings on Choice of Foods for Consideration on Dialysis Diet

Nurse Teachings on Choice of Foods for Consideration on Dialysis Diet Nurse educated the patient and caregiver on choice of foods for consideration while on dialysis diet as below: Rely on other seasonings and spices, such as, onions, garlic, ginger, nutmeg, cloves, cinnamon, black pepper, green chilies, saffron, coriander, fennel, turmeric, and lemon to add flavor to the food. This can help avoid eating too bland and reduce craving for the salt. Herbs such as, [...]

Nurse Teachings on Lifestyle Measures for Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Nurse Teachings on Lifestyle Measures for Individuals with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Nurse educated the patient and caregiver on lifestyle changes for individuals with obstructive sleep apnea as follows: Breathing devices, such as, positive airway pressure machines, could be recommended to individuals with sleep apnea. Use of positive airway pressure machines, such as, CPAP and BiPAP during sleep time can help maintain airways patent and prevent episodes of sleep apnea from happening. Observe compliance with recommendations [...]

Nurse Teachings on Pathophysiology of Inflammation

Nurse Teachings on Pathophysiology of Inflammation Nurse educated the patient and caregiver on pathophysiology of inflammation as follows: Inflammation is the response of any living tissue to injury. Acute inflammation comprises of all the reactions that occur in the injured tissue within first few minutes to an hour of encountering an injury. This is caused by many immune and hormonal responses that result in the release of various mediators of inflammation. The release of mediators [...]

Nurse Teachings on Complications of Recurrent Lupus Activation

Nurse Teachings on Complications of Recurrent Lupus Activation Nurse educated the patient and caregiver on complications of recurrent lupus activation as follows: Progressive inflammatory damage to the heart muscle and lining around the heart can result in increased fluid accumulation around the heart, poor cardiac function, reduced ability of heart on pumping blood, and consequent reduced blood supply to all essential organs, thus affecting their overall function. Involvement of blood vessels supplying the heart muscle [...]