Nurse Teaching Topic: Therapeutic Uses of Atorvastatin

Nurse Teaching Topic: Therapeutic Uses of Atorvastatin  Patient/caregiver was instructed upon therapeutic uses of atorvastatin as follows: Atorvastatin inhibits a key enzyme needed for biosynthesis of cholesterol in the liver cells. Consequently, the cells are deplete of cholesterol and LDL receptors are increasingly expressed on the cells, to help promote uptake of LDL cholesterol from the blood, which is degraded and utilized by the cells for their metabolic needs. Uptake of LDL cholesterol from the [...]

Nurse Teaching Topic: Side Effects of Azithromycin Use

Nurse Teaching Topic: Side Effects of Azithromycin Use  Patient/caregiver was educated on the side effects of using Azithromycin as follows: Nausea and vomiting: This is the most common side effect of Azithromycin. Taking the antibiotic with some food and water can minimize the effects of nausea and vomiting. Diarrhea: Human intestines have a lot of bacteria, both good and bad, living in a sensitive balance with each other. This helps maintain the normal natural intestinal [...]

Nurse Teaching Topic: Side Effects of Avandamet Use

Nurse Teaching Topic: Side Effects of Avandamet Use  Patient/caregiver was educated on the side effects of using Avandamet as follows: Stomach upset: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, metallic taste in the mouth, and feeling sick to stomach are the most common side effects of using Avandamet. Metabolic acidosis: Metabolic acidosis secondary to increased lactic acid production is a rare, but a dangerous side effect of using Avandamet. Be aware of symptoms of metabolic acidosis, such as, rapid [...]

Nurse Teaching Topic: Side Effects of Atenolol Use

Nurse Teaching Topic: Side Effects of Atenolol Use Patient/caregiver was educated on the side effects of using Atenolol as follows: Symptoms of hypotension can occur secondary to reduced heart rate and reduced force of contraction of heart muscle. This can reduce blood supply to the vital organs, such as, brain and result in symptoms such as, dizziness, headache, and feeling lightheaded. Blood supply to the peripheries can decrease secondary to reduced force of contraction of [...]

Nurse Teaching Topic: Side Effects of Arformoterol Use

Nurse Teaching Topic: Side Effects of Arformoterol Use Patient/caregiver was educated on the side effects of using Arformoterol as follows: Patients taking Arformoterol can sometimes present with worsening of asthmatic symptoms, with increasing wheezing, increased frequency of exacerbation of shortness of breath, reducing endurance, and feeling tiresome. Any worsening of asthmatic symptoms must be reported immediately. Stimulation of Beta-2 receptors in the vascular smooth muscle by Arformoterol can result in relaxation of the smooth muscle [...]