Patient/caregiver was instructed upon indications for oxybutynin use as follows:
- Oxybutynin is a medication that belongs to a class of drugs called anticholinergics.
- Acetylcholine is a chemical neurotransmitter which acts on the muscarinic receptors in the bladder smooth muscle and brings on the contraction of the urinary bladder. Oxybutynin is am anticholinergic, which inhibits the action of acetylcholine on the muscarinic receptors of the urinary bladder, thus inhibiting contraction of the urinary bladder.
- This inhibition of contraction of bladder smooth muscle finds use in various conditions related to bladder dysfunction.
- Overactive bladder is a condition characterized by random spasms and contractions of the urinary bladder, thus resulting in sudden and urgent need to urinate and episodes of sudden bladder emptying and urinary incontinence. Oxybutynin by relaxing the bladder smooth muscle prevents the random spasms of the bladder and thereby, controls the urge for sudden urination and reduces episodes of urinary incontinence.
- Relaxation of the smooth muscle of the bladder will provide space for accommodating more volume of urine, thus reducing need for bladder emptying and frequent urination.
- Also, reduced need for frequent and urgent urination contributes towards reducing night time restroom trips, prevents sleep interruption, and helps promote a restful sleep.