Patient/caregiver was educated on contraindications for using allopurinol as follows:

  1. Allopurinol is significantly metabolized in the liver and excreted in urine, by the kidneys. If liver function is deficient, metabolism of allopurinol could be slowed down. Slowing down of the drug metabolism can result in increased risk for compromised therapeutic benefits and toxicity with the medication.  Also, allopurinol carries a risk of liver damage and compromised liver function and so, should be very cautiously used and liver function closely monitored in individuals with history of liver injury.
  2. Allopurinol is significantly eliminated in urine, by the kidneys. Individuals with renal disease and diminished renal function cannot eliminate allopurinol from their body normally, which allows the medication to be in the blood stream longer, thus increasing the risk for side-effects and toxicity with the medication. Allopurinol should be very cautiously used and renal function closely monitored in individuals with history of renal damage and compromised kidney function.
  3. Do not use this medication if you have history of allergy or serious side-effects to allopurinol intake.
  4. Allopurinol use is contraindicated in individuals with any history of bone marrow suppression. Allopurinol has potential to induce bone marrow suppression or exacerbate any history of the same, thus resulting in reduced production of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Allopurinol is administered with extreme caution in individuals with history of severe anemia, opportunistic infections, easy bruising and bleeding.