Patient was educated on selective Beta-1 blockers and mechanism of action used for management of hypertension as below:

  1. Selective Beta-1 blockers are drugs that inhibit the action of adrenaline on the Beta-1 receptors.
  2. Inhibition of Beta-1 receptors result in slowing of heart rate and decreases the force of contraction of heart muscle.
  3. Reduction in heart rate contributes to low blood pressure. Decrease in the force of contraction of heart muscle will bring about reduction in the amount of blood pumped out of heart, which also contributes to low blood pressure.
  4. The reduced heart rate and the force of contraction will also contribute to reduced work performed by the heart. As the work of heart is reduced, the oxygen requirement of heart also is reduced.
  5. Reduction in the oxygen requirement of the heart muscle will help situations of compromised cardiac function, such as, heart failure.