Patient was educated on contraindications for using Symbicort as follows:
- Elevated blood sugars
- Symbicort should be used cautiously in diabetic patients, as long-term use of Symbicort can result in increased insulin resistance and increased synthesis of glucose from sources other than carbohydrates. Increased insulin resistance and synthesis of extra glucose result in elevated blood sugars, contribute towards impaired blood sugar control, and can be detrimental in diabetic patients.
- Elevated blood sugars and poorly managed diabetes, while using Symbicort should be reported to the physician for further investigation, to facilitate a change in plan of care.
- Opportunistic infection
- Symbicort should be used cautiously in individuals with history of opportunistic infections, as it can result in flaring up of infections, such as, candida, secondary bacterial and viral infections.
- Discuss with your doctor regarding your history of opportunistic infections and safety with the use of Symbicort.
- Carefully watch for any throat irritation, undiagnosed productive cough, fever, stomach upset, white patches on the tongue and in the oral cavity, while using Symbicort.
- Report any of such findings to your physician.
- Compliance with gargling and rinsing the mouth with water, after every dose of Symbicort inhalation and spitting out this water after rinsing, is very important to prevent exacerbation of these opportunistic infections.