Patient was educated on the side effects of using Neomycin as follows:

  1. Nausea and vomiting
  • This is the most common side effect of Neomycin.
  • Taking the antibiotic with some food and water can minimize the effects of nausea and vomiting.
  1. Diarrhea
  • Human intestines have a lot of bacteria, both good and bad, living in a sensitive balance with each other.
  • This helps maintain the normal natural intestinal environment.
  • Neomycin works by killing the bacteria.
  • While doing this, Neomycin does not differentiate between good and bad bacteria.
  • Consequently, apart from killing the bad infectious bacteria, Neomycin also kills the good bacteria in the intestinal system, thus compromising the balance between good and bad bacteria.
  • This can result in reduction in the number of good bacteria and increase in the number of Neomycin resistant bad bacteria, leading to irritation of the intestinal mucosa and diarrhea.
  • Diarrhea secondary to the clostridium difficile bacteria in the intestines, is a standard example for this.
  1. Skin rash and itching
  • Neomycin use can result in less serious side effects of itching and skin rash.
  1. Anaphylaxis
  • A rare, but serious anaphylactic response can occur for Neomycin.
  • Patients can present with extreme itching and rash, swelling of the face and throat, dizziness, bronchoconstriction, and difficulty breathing.
  • This is an emergency and medical attention should be sought immediately, without any delay.