Patient was educated on the side effects of using Ciprofloxacin as follows:

  1. Hepatic damage
  • Long term Ciprofloxacin intake can lead to hepatic injury, thus compromising liver function.
  • Hepatic injury and altered liver function can result in increased bilirubin levels in the body, resulting in itching, jaundice with yellowing of skin and sclera, dark urine, altered metabolism with nausea and vomiting, pain in the right upper abdominal quadrant, and fatigue.
  1. Renal damage
  • Long term Ciprofloxacin intake can lead to renal damage, thus compromising kidney function.
  • Renal injury and altered kidney function can result in increased creatinine levels in the body, accumulation of other wastes resulting in altered levels of consciousness, and reduced urine formation.
  1. Photosensitivity
  • Long term Ciprofloxacin intake can result in photosensitivity and skin rash.
  1. Mild constitutional symptoms, such as, mild chest pain, dizziness, irregular heartbeat, difficulty sleeping, abdominal discomfort with mild diarrhea, skin rash and itching can occur with Ciprofloxacin.