Patient/caregiver was educated on the side-effects of using restoril as follows:

Tolerance and addiction

  • Individuals using restoril can develop tolerance to the dose in due course of time, thus blunting the therapeutic effect.
  • The dose of restoril should probably be enhanced at this point, to derive the same therapeutic benefit, thus increasing the risk for addiction.
  • The risk for addiction is even more in individuals with history of substance/drug abuse, as the craving for the desired effect in these individuals will be high.

 Withdrawal syndrome

  1. Reducing your dosage gradually over a period is the preferred way to quit restoril.
  2. Sudden withdrawal from restoril, after using for prolonged period of time, may lead to rebound of insomnia symptoms.

Abuse potential

Restoril intake can be habit-forming and carries an abuse potential. The risk for addiction and abuse can be even higher, especially in individuals with history of substance abuse.