Patient/caregiver was educated on the side-effects of using restoril as follows:

Mood disturbances

  • Patients are at risk to experience hallucinations and mood disturbances, such as, exacerbation of anxiety and depressive symptoms, with restoril use.

Short-term memory loss

  • Restoril carries the risk of inducing temporary short-term memory loss and confusion, when you wake up the following morning, thus compromising safety and leading to falls and accidents.

Respiratory depression

  • Restoril, as part of depression of the CNS for inducing sleep, can also cause depression of the respiratory center in the brain.
  • This induces slowing down of respirations and the breathing pattern can become irregular.
  • This can result in reduced gas exchange with elevated carbon-di-oxide and reduced oxygen levels in the body.
  • The risk for respiratory depression can increase heavily with concurrent use of any other medications, also causing depression of CNS, such as, narcotic pain medications, antihistamines, and muscle relaxants.