Patient/caregiver was educated on the side-effects of using Geodon as follows:

Respiratory side-effects                                                  

  1. Geodon use, while exerting depressive effect on the brain and central nervous system, can also cause depression of the respiratory center in the brain. This induces slowing down of respirations and the breathing pattern can become irregular and interrupted, especially during sleep. This can result in reduced gas exchange with elevated carbon-di-oxide and reduced oxygen levels in the body. Low oxygen levels in the body with elevated carbon-di-oxide levels can contribute to altered levels of consciousness, sedation, severely compromised endurance and exercise tolerance, extreme fatigue, and development of seizures.

Hematologic side-effects                                                                                                  

  1. Geodon carries significant risk of suppressing production of white blood cells from the bone marrow and lead to agranulocytosis. Reduced white blood cell count can contribute to lowered immunity, thus resulting in frequent fever, chills, sore throat, and risk for frequent infections.