Patient/caregiver was instructed upon therapeutic uses and mechanism of action of Arimidex as follows:

  1. Aromatase is an enzyme in the human body, helping with conversion of precursors of estrogens to estrogens.
  2. Excessive exposure to estrogen in women is considered to be an important factor stimulating the growth of established tumors along with development of new tumors in the breast tissue.
  3. Estrogen in women act on the estrogen receptors in the breast tissue and contribute to the growth of tumors.
  4. Arimidex is a medication used in the treatment of breast cancer, which acts by inhibiting the enzyme aromatase.
  5. Inhibition of aromatase by Arimidex results in reduced conversion of estrogen precursors to estrogen, thus reducing estrogen availability to the tumor cells.
  6. Reduced estrogen formation in the body leads to reduced exposure of estrogen receptors in the breast tissue to estrogen, which inhibits growth of tumors in the breast tissue.
  7. This action of Arimidex results in preventing development of new tumors, delayed growth of established tumors, thus contributing to treatment of breast cancer.