Patient/caregiver was educated on contraindications for using Metoclopramide as follows:

  1. Metoclopramide, being a prokinetic agent, can increase the motility of the bowels. In individuals with complaint of bowel obstruction, Metoclopramide intake, by trying to increase the motility, can result in perforation of bowel. Metoclopramide intake must be avoided in individuals with history of bowel obstruction.
  2. Metoclopramide use can induce symptoms of parkinson’s disease and aggravate symptoms of the disease in individuals with history of the same. Individuals can present with tremors, muscle spasms, rigidity, and difficulty initiating movements. Metoclopramide intake must be avoided or used with extreme caution in individuals with history of parkinson’s disease.
  3. Metoclopramide is mainly metabolized in the liver. If liver function is deficient, the metabolism of Metoclopramide can be compromised. This can lead to increased blood levels of the medication for longer periods of time, resulting in increased risk for side-effects and consequent toxicity. So, Metoclopramide could be avoided in individuals with hepatic dysfunction and an alternative medication considered or used with caution, with periodical monitoring for liver functions and development of any toxic symptoms.