Strategies to Improve Assistive Devices Compliance

Strategies to Improve Assistive Devices Compliance Assistive devices compliance refers to a patient’s consistent and correct use of devices designed to support or improve their functional abilities. These devices are often prescribed for individuals with disabilities, chronic illnesses, or mobility issues and can include a wide range of equipment, such as hearing aids, wheelchairs, prosthetics, braces, and other devices designed to assist with daily activities. Ensuring that patients adhere to using these devices properly is [...]

Strategies to Improve Medication Compliance

Strategies to Improve Medication Compliance: Simplify the Medication Regimen Use once-daily medications: Medications that only need to be taken once a day are easier for patients to remember and less burdensome. Combination pills: When possible, prescribing combination medications that address multiple conditions in one pill can reduce the pill burden and improve compliance. Pill organizers or blister packs: Using pill organizers or blister packs, patients can organize their medications for the week and remember whether [...]