Nurse Teachings on Precautions for Trimipramine

Nurse Teachings on Precautions to be Exercised While Taking Trimipramine Patient/caregiver was educated on precautions to be observed while taking Trimipramine as below: Follow closely on the expiration date of the medication. If using a pillbox, check the expiration date on the medication container every time you fill the pillbox. If you are taking this medication for longer periods of time, set enough reminders on your phone for medication pick-up. You can have a reminder [...]

Nurse Teachings on Safety Precautions For Using the Transfer Board

Nurse Teachings on Safety precautions to be Observed while Using the Transfer Board Nurse educated the patient and caregiver on the safety precautions to be observed while using the transfer board as follows: Make sure the transfer board chosen can handle your weight. Check for the weight limitations allowed on the transfer board. Having a most recent weight reading available can help choose the board that best suits your needs. Make sure the transfer board [...]