Nurse Teachings on Choice of Foods for Consideration on Dialysis Diet

Nurse Teachings on Choice of Foods for Consideration on Dialysis Diet Nurse educated the patient and caregiver on choice of foods for consideration while on dialysis diet as below: Rely on other seasonings and spices, such as, onions, garlic, ginger, nutmeg, cloves, cinnamon, black pepper, green chilies, saffron, coriander, fennel, turmeric, and lemon to add flavor to the food. This can help avoid eating too bland and reduce craving for the salt. Herbs such as, [...]

Nurse Teachings on Lifestyle Measures for Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Nurse Teachings on Lifestyle Measures for Individuals with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Nurse educated the patient and caregiver on lifestyle changes for individuals with obstructive sleep apnea as follows: Breathing devices, such as, positive airway pressure machines, could be recommended to individuals with sleep apnea. Use of positive airway pressure machines, such as, CPAP and BiPAP during sleep time can help maintain airways patent and prevent episodes of sleep apnea from happening. Observe compliance with recommendations [...]